• Hien Thi Nguyen
  • Phung Kim Nguyen
  • Nguyen Bao Pham
Keywords: wood apple, alcohol concentration, total phenolic compound


Wood apple (Limonia acidissima L.) is a fruit with a high nutrition content, which can protect the liver, resist pathogenic bacteria, heal wounds and prevent the development of tumors. Initial research was conducted to  find out the appropriate pretreatment and alcohol concentration for the end product. The results showed that fresh wood apples were sufficiently ripe 2-3 days after harvesting, which were then washed, dried, individual apples were quartered and soaked in a glass jar containing Xuan Thanh wine (alc/vol = 40%) for 3 months. Thereafter, the wine sample exhibited a 19.8% alcohol concentration, 12.1° Brix, and had a total phenolic  compound (TPC) of 2.016 mg GAE/L.


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How to Cite
Nguyen H, Nguyen P, Pham N. FACTORS AFFECTING THE QUALITY OF WOOD APPLE LIQUOR (Limonia acidissima L.). journal [Internet]. 4Jun.2019 [cited 10Mar.2025];9(34):52-9. Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/tvujs_old/index.php/journal/article/view/191