• Nguyen Bao Pham
  • Hoa Thai Ma
  • Duyen Thi Cam Pham
Keywords: yogurt, puree of soursop pulp, fermentation temperature, fermentation time


Yogurt is a food product fermented from milk by Streptococcus thermophilus (S. thermophilus) and Lactobacillus bulgaricus (L. bulgaricus), which is very good for health. This study focuses on the evaluation of the ratio of condensed milk / Non-sugar fresh milk from 1/1.5 - 1/2 - 1/2.5, the ratio of the puree of soursop pulp added (5-25%), the fermentation temperature (from 41 to 47 oC) and fermentation time (from 6 to 8 hours) on the fermentation ability of yogurt in order to
identify the suitable fermentation condition for producing yogurt with the best sensory quality and the suitable sour taste. Additionally, this study also  investigates the effect of temperature and time of the fermentation process on the quality of yogurt. The results showed that, with the ratio of condensed milk / Non-sugar fresh milk = 1/2, the sensory properties of yogurt were very good. Besides, with the added puree of 5% and fermentation temperature of 44 oC within 7 hours, the sensory quality of yogurt was the best (with the point of 4.7/5 by the quality description scale) and the Donic degree of the product reached 86.3 that was suitable for yogurt (70 to 90 oD)


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How to Cite
Pham N, Ma H, Pham D. ASSESSING YOGURT FERMENTATION ABILITY FROM COW MILK ADDED SOURSOP PUREE. journal [Internet]. 1Dec.2018 [cited 9Mar.2025];8(32):68-6. Available from: