The Journal uses a double-blind review policy, so information about authors and reviewers is anonymous. All information between authors and reviewers is exchanged through the Journal. Submitted manuscripts must pass the screening stage before being sent to reviewers for formal review. The manuscript review is done securely via the online system of the Journal.
Reviewer’s responsibilities
Reviewers selected by the Journal are experts in the relevant fields. The reviewers are responsible for responding within the requested time to the following circumstances:
- To accept or decline the review invitation.
- To evaluate the compliance with the Journal’s policies of submitted manuscripts.
- To decline review duties if the manuscript does not relate to the reviewer's expertise.
The reviewer is responsible for assessing the given manuscript objectively, honestly, voluntarily, academically, confidentially, and in the required time. Reviewer’s comments need to be clear, transparent, and clearly express their own views. Personal recommendations, subjective judgment, and cursory peer-review are inappropriate.
Reviewers should carefully pay attention to ethical issues in manuscripts, which may include any significant similarities or duplicates between the manuscript being reviewed and any other published publications with prior knowledge of the reviewer. Reviewers should notify the Editor if there are such ethical issues.
If any impropriety is found in submitted manuscripts related to double-blind review policies, potential conflicts of interests, co-author contributions, ethical standards, intellectual property (duplicate and plagiarism issues), and Journal policies, reviewers must inform the Journal along with the proof of violations for appropriate resolution, even if the manuscripts are in reviewing, editing, or publication approval status.
Article review form (En): Download
Article review from (Vi): Download
Guidelines for Reviews (En): Download
Guidelines for Reviews (Vi): Download