• Phung Kim Nguyen
  • Huong Thi Diem Duong
Keywords: soursop, jam, sensory quality


The aim of study was to identify factors could affect the quality of product of  jam from soursop. The factors were investigated with three replications, each with four levels, as including: added flesh compared to juice/ water solution (30%; 35%; 40%; 45%), soluble solid concentration of juice (40; 45; 50; 55Bx), added pectin quantity (0,8%; 0,9%; 1,0%; 1,1%). The results showed that, when added to flesh fruit at a rate of 40%, produced a high sensory value with bright colors, corresponding to L *, a *, b * values is 31.95; 0.96 and 1.65 when measured with standard light source D65. The concentration of citric acid 0.2% and a sugar concentration of 50%, the product has the highest sensory value in terms of color, odor, taste and texture. Ratio of pectin 1.0% brought stable andsmooth structure.


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How to Cite
Nguyen P, Duong H. INITIALLY STUDY ON THE FACTORS EVOLVING TO QUALITY OF SOURSOP JAM (Annona muricata L.). journal [Internet]. 1Sep.2018 [cited 9Mar.2025];8(31):65-1. Available from: