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Kay Vooi Tay
Joo Eng Lim
Wai Yip Mum
Lih Hoo Choon
Rajamamundi Prabhu


Nano-coated filters is crucial in preventing the spread of airborne viruses like COVID-19, influenza, and other respiratory viruses. Nano-coatings with antiviral properties significantly enhance the filter’s ability to capture and deactivate these pathogens, providing essential protection in high-risk environments such as hospitals, public transportation, and indoor spaces. This study focuses on developing a streamlined production system that integrates nano-coating directly onto filter media fabrics, addressing inefficiencies and high costs associated with the current separate nano-coating process. The proposed system features four process stations: unwinding the fabric, spraying nanoliquid, drying, and rewinding the fabric. The integrated system ensures uniform application of the nano-coating through rollers and fine atomisation nozzles. The drying process using infrared radiation and heated air with thermocouples provides even heating and effective bonding of
the coating. The rewinding process, supported by web guiding, load cells, and feedback signals, maintains proper fabric alignment and tension, ensuring accurate spooling. The cast iron EN9-made structure supports filter materials ranging
from 5 kg to 9 kg in weight. The system is powered by a servo motor with 31.75 Nm torque and speed of 111.4 revolution/minute, and a pump operates at 60 psi with 4.4 × 10-7 m3/s flowrate and 6.7 W power. The 13.5 kW curing oven maintains a temperature range of 75oC–80oC for 45 seconds. The automation and integration of these processes into a single continuous production line contribute to the development of more efficient, scalable production methods, and enhance the
consistency of producing high-quality filtration materials.


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How to Cite
Tay KV, Lim JE, Mum WY, Choon LH, Prabhu R. OPTIMIZATION OF AUTOMATED PRODUCTION LINE FOR NANO-COATED FILTER MEDIA. journal [Internet]. 6Sep.2024 [cited 18Oct.2024];14(3). Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/index.php/journal/article/view/4429


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