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Men Van Truong
Quang Thanh Le
Tuan Van Phan


The global shift towards sustainable transportation has accelerated the development of electric vehicles in recent years. This review paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the latest research trends in the field of electric vehicles, encompassing advancements in battery technology, power electronics, electric drivetrains, charging infrastructure, and vehicleto-grid integration. The paper discusses opportunities and key challenges in each area and highlights emerging technologies and research directions that are shaping the future of electric mobility. By synthesizing the latest findings from academic literature, industry reports, and technological developments, this paper aims to provide insights for researchers, engineers, policymakers, and industry stakeholders to further advance the adoption and integration of electric vehicles into the transportation ecosystem. 


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Truong M, Le Q, Phan T. ADVANCEMENTS IN ELECTRIC VEHICLES: A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW OF RECENT RESEARCH TRENDS. journal [Internet]. 6Sep.2024 [cited 18Oct.2024];14(8). Available from:


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