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Duy Duc Tran
Chau Tran Bao Nguyen


Raw materials for strong alcoholic beverage fermentation are usually grains with high starch content such as regular rice, sticky rice, brown rice, corn, rice sprouts, and cassava. Nowadays, society is increasingly developing, human life is becoming enhanced. Therefore, people’s demand for alcohol requires newness and strict quality. Vietnam is the land of many tropical fruits- a rich source of raw materials for researching and producing fruit-based strong alcoholic beverages. In this study, jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) flesh and boiled jackfruit seeds were used as raw materials to investigate the effects of factors including pretreatment of jackfruit seeds with enzymes, yeast/material ratio, initial dry matter concentration, pH, and fermentation time on alcoholic fermentation efficiency. This study forms the foundation for developing the technological process for producing jackfruit-based strong alcoholic beverages to introduce a new strong alcoholic beverage category
for commercialization. Research results indicated that boiled jackfruit seeds treated with amylase enzyme exhibited soluble solids concentrations almost double that of samples without enzyme treatment. Accordingly, the added sugar content
to the ingredient is reduced and fermentation time is shortened. Appropriate conditions for fermentation of jackfruit-based strong alcoholic beverage were yeast/raw material ratio of 1% (w/w), initial dry matter concentration of 24oBx, at pH 4.0, and fermentation time duration of 11 days.


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Tran D, Nguyen C. STUDY ON THE PRODUCTION OF STRONG ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE FROM JACKFRUIT FLESH AND SEEDS (Artocarpus Heterophyllus). journal [Internet]. 6Sep.2024 [cited 18Oct.2024];14(3). Available from:


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