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Thai-Son Nguyen
Thai-Toan Nguyen
Ngoc-Chien Tran
Thanh-Hai Ta
Dang-Khoa Huynh
Hoang-Phuong Nguyen


The increasing demands of patient care necessitate innovative solutions to alleviate the workload on healthcare providers. One such solution is the implementation of chatbots to address common patient inquiries before intervention by medical staff. This paper presents a chatbot system designed to enhance patient interactions by leveraging the question-answering capabilities of the Llama 3 open-source artificial intelligence (AI) model. Llama 3 plays a central role in generating accurate and contextually appropriate responses from stored data, ensuring that patients receive timely and relevant information. Voice communication between the chatbot and users is facilitated, with a focus on the seamless integration of Llama’s advanced artificial intelligence question-answer function. Chainlit is utilized to create an intuitive interface, further optimizing patient-system interactions. This study outlines the development, integration, and evaluation of the chatbot system within a hospital environment, demonstrating its effectiveness in reducing the burden on healthcare providers while enhancing patient engagement through voice-based Artificial Intelligence interactions.


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Nguyen T-S, Nguyen T-T, Tran N-C, Ta T-H, Huynh D-K, Nguyen H-P. A CHATBOT APPLICATION WITH VOICE COMMUNICATION FOR THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM. journal [Internet]. 16Aug.2024 [cited 18Oct.2024];14(8). Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/index.php/journal/article/view/4285


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