• Thao Hieu Nguyen Tra Vinh University, Vietnam
  • Thao Binh Phuong Nguyen Tra Vinh University, Vietnam
Keywords: ChatGPT, conceptual metaphor, language learning, English-speaking skill enhancement


Conceptual metaphors are a fundamental aspect of human cognition that allows people to understand abstract ideas through more objective experiences. Recent studies show that metaphors are widely used in language and significantly influence human thought processes. However, how conceptual metaphors represent language learners’ perspectives, has been required for more attention. Adapting the Conceptual Metaphor Theory proposed by Johnson and Lakoff, this study aims to analyse the conceptual metaphors employed by Vietnamese English majors to reflect their perceptions regarding the use of AI chatbots, especially ChatGPT, in language learning in general and Englishspeaking skill enhancement in particular. Data involves the collection of reflective statements from 32 participants, followed by frequent occurrences analysis to identify recurring conceptual metaphors and associated perceptions. The findings revealed that varied metaphors are illustrated, and that tool and learning companions appear to be the two most popular. Furthermore, the metaphors have been categorised into underlying sub-themes. While the majority of representations seem beneficial, concerns are also raised regarding creativity and critical thinking abilities may be replaced if students overuse ChatGPT. Based on the results, digital literacy development for both instructors and students, academic integrity accountability, and plagiarism’s consequences are also discussed. This hopes to offer some insights for future research into various applications of ChatGPT for the analysis of specific  language-learning settings.


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How to Cite
Nguyen T, Nguyen T. UNVEILING VIETNAMESE ENGLISH MAJORS’ PERCEPTIONS OF AI CHATBOTS: A REFLECTIVE EXPLORATION THROUGH CONCEPTUAL METAPHORS AT TRA VINH UNIVERSITY, VIETNAM. journal [Internet]. 23Jul.2024 [cited 16Jan.2025];14(7). Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/tvujs_old/index.php/journal/article/view/4145