English is by far the most widely used and highly-demand language around the world. Therefore, learning English has become an integral part of the educational process. The ability to write effectively has turned out to be one of the vital skills among English language learners. However, individuals encounter various obstacles
in their writing under various personal and environmental contexts. The main purpose of this study is to explore the writing challenges faced by first-year students majoring in English studies, with a focus on descriptive paragraphs. The study collected data from 38 first-year English major students at Tra Vinh University, Vietnam through an online questionnaire, which was designed with the first part aimed to identify the factors that hinder students from completing descriptive paragraphs, while the latter part consisted of openended questions that allowed students to express their deeper thoughts and expectations towards
lecturers for the development of their writing. The most noticeable results of the analysis indicate that creativity and similes appear to be the most influential factors in students’ writing performances. Besides, language-related elements rank as an integral part of the writing process as well. Based on the analysis of self-reported responses, the study ends with implications regarding lecturers’ instructional strategies, syllabus design, and
student autonomy to address these challenges.
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