• Nhu Nguyen Yen Ta Tra Vinh Province, Vietnam
  • Thao Hieu Nguyen Tra Vinh University, Vietnam
Keywords: EFL student, exam performance, oral translation, Southern Vietnam


Despite the rapid development of technology and digital applications, interpreters play an indispensable role in assisting effective communication and connecting speakers from different cultures. To fulfil the global demand, more oral translation programs and courses are offered in higher education institutions. While there has been more attention to process-based teaching and learning, little has been done to examine what affects students’ performance during summative assessment. This present study explores (1) EFL students' perceptions of the factors influencing their oral translation exam performance, (2) strategies students use and expectations on lecturers to enhance interpreting competence. This study employed a mixed approach. Online questionnaire and interviews were used to collect data from 72 English majors at a university in the south of Vietnam. The results revealed that audio quality, testing-taking anxiety, memory, vocabulary shortage, and listening skills had a greater impact on students' oral translation exam performance than other factors. Students have various strategies and expectations of lecturers concerning a positive testing environment.

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How to Cite
Ta N, Nguyen T. FACTORS AFFECTING EFL STUDENTS’ ORAL TRANSLATION EXAM PERFORMANCE: A CASE IN SOUTHERN VIETNAM. journal [Internet]. 19Mar.2024 [cited 26Jan.2025];14(1). Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/tvujs_old/index.php/journal/article/view/3282