• Chinh Tung Tran
  • An Van Vu Nguyen
Keywords: dducational expenditure, two-stage Heckman model, Tra Vinh farming household, investment amount, investment decision


This paper aims to analyze the factors affecting the expenditure on education of farming households in Tra Vinh province. The data were collected from the interviews with 200 farmers in Tra Vinh province. The two-stage Heckman model was applied to identify the determinants affecting the decision and amount of investment in education of the farming households. The estimated results showed that factors affecting the educational investment decision included ethnicity, tuition fees, household poverty status, asset value, and distance to school. In addition, other variables such as tuition fees, extra classes, total schooling members, household income also affected the amount of investment , which contributed to the increase of these expenses.


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How to Cite
Tran C, Nguyen A. DETERMINANTS AFFECTING HOUSEHOLDS’ EXPENDITURE ON EDUCATION IN TRAVINH PROVINCE. journal [Internet]. 1Dec.2017 [cited 10Mar.2025];7(4):1-0. Available from: