This article aims to compare the technical efficiency between two irrigation systems: traditional flooding and drip irrigation in watermelon production in Tra Vinh province, thereby recommending a more efficient farming model. This paper uses descriptive statistics, SFA and multivariable regression based on primary data
collected from 160 farmers applying these two irrigation models in Cau Ngang and Duyen Hai districts. The study found that the cost of plant variety, the amount of phosphorus, costs for post-harvesting, labor and irrigation affected the productivity of watermelon in the traditional flooding irrigation model; whereas the amount of potassium, the amount of phosphorus and cost of plant variety were factors affecting the productivity of watermelon in the drip irrigation model. The
results also showed that producers applying the drip irrigation model achieved higher technical efficiency. The average efficiency levels achieved were 79,47% and 86,03% in the traditional flooding irrigation and drip irrigation respectively. In addition, the factors affecting the income of farmers in the traditional flooding irrigation model included household labor, loans, the amount of phosphorus, the amount of potassium, and cost of pesticides and irrigation. Meanwhile, the income of farmers in the drip irrigation model was affected by education, training, costs for post-harvesting and loans.
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