• Trinh Thi Thuy Nguyen
  • Xuyen Thi Kim Nguyen
  • An Van Vu Nguyen
Keywords: Health expenditure, households, Tra Vinh province


The objective of the article is to identify the factors affecting the decision and the amount of money spent on health care by households in Tra Vinh province. The research data were collected from 200 households in Tra Cu and Cau Ke Districts in Tra Vinh province. Based on the application of Probit regression model, the research team identified the major decisions affecting the health expenditure of households. The estimation results show that the factors affecting the inclination to spend money on the health of the farmers are: Ethnicity; Age of household head; Educational attainment of the household head; Distance from the residence to the nearest health establishments; Economic situation of households. Tobit regression model identified the factors that affect the amount of money spent on health care of the household.


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How to Cite
Nguyen T, Nguyen X, Nguyen A. FACTORS AFFECTING HEALTH SPENDING OF FARMERS IN THE TRA VINH PROVINCE. journal [Internet]. 1Mar.2018 [cited 10Mar.2025];8(29):9-9. Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/tvujs_old/index.php/journal/article/view/28