• Linh Thi Yen Nguyen
  • Ut Danh
  • Tien Thi My Nguyen
  • Thanh Ngoc Duong
Keywords: economic efficiency, semiintensive goat farming, intensive goat farming


This research is conducted to assess the economic efficiency of two farming operations of goats called intensive and semi-intensive in Duyen Hai District, TraVinh Province, thereby finding out the drawbacks of each system and potential solutions towards the sustainability of goat farming in the area. An in-depth interview method was applied (KIP) to inteview two different groups of participants. The first group was leaders of Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of TraVinh Province and the second group consisted of 120 household farmers in four communes of Duyen Hai District. Beside, multivariate regression model is also applied in this study. The findings show that both systems offer a great deal of productivity (VND 113.27mil/year/household for semi-intensive farming system and VND 136.11 mil/year/household for intensive farming system). However, in response to climate change, the intensive goat farming operation brings higher level of profits and has a lower environmental impact, especially goat manure is beneficial for crops.


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How to Cite
Nguyen L, Danh U, Nguyen T, Duong T. ASSESSING THE ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF INTENSIVE AND SEMI-INTENSIVE GOAT FARMING SYSTEMS IN DUYENHAI DISTRICT, TRAVINH PROVINCE. journal [Internet]. 5Mar.2019 [cited 22Jan.2025];9(33):12-4. Available from: