• Vu Hoang Dang Tra Vinh University
  • Dam Ngoc Tran HCMC University of Technology and Education
  • Hung Minh Duong Tra Vinh University
Keywords: cold Plasma technology, vegetables, food safety


In the process of fruits and vegetable producing and preserving, it always exists chemicals, agricultural byproducts and potential diseases in nature. Ensuring food safety and hygiene for fruits and vegetables is essential for consumers and processing exporters. This paper presents methods and experiments
on a system of equipment for preparing and preserving fruits and vegetables with cold plasma technology. The water and air treatment system using cold plasma technology includes treatment modules corresponding to the process of treating fruits and vegetables before being stored. Evaluation of the water after treatment and experiment on vegetables and fruits through cold plasma technology with different experimental conditions are conducted. Results show that when vegetables and fruits passed the cold plasma system, they will
stay fresh longer than conventional treatments.


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How to Cite
Dang V, Tran D, Duong H. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PRESERVATION SYSTEM USING COLD PLASMA TECHNOLOGY. journal [Internet]. 30Dec.2020 [cited 23Jan.2025];10(40):112-20. Available from: