• Bich Ngoc Duong Tra Vinh University
  • Men Van Truong Tra Vinh University
  • Hung Minh Duong Tra Vinh University
Keywords: triple-stepped beam structure, bistable micromechanism, bistable microswitch, electrostatics microswitch


Microswitches have been used for many different applications in building, automation, and security due to requiring little force. A novel design of a triple-stepped beam structure for a mechanical bistable microswitch is presented, and it was found that the bistability of the beam can be achieved by applying an electrostatic force which allows a high deflection with small electrode separation. A finite element method analysis has been used to design the bistable microswitch in a certain range of geometries based on the standard of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC). The simulation results show that the device requires a very
low input force to get to the bistable stages. The maximum force and the minimum force for switching between the bistable stages are 0.85 mN and 0.23 mN, respectively, which is suitable for electrostatic force at a microscale. The bistability is obtained with the second equilibrium at 75.17 µm that guarantees the perfect contact location between the beam and the conduction path (N+) located at 65.45 µm.


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How to Cite
Duong B, Truong M, Duong H. DESIGN AND MODELING OF A TRIPLE-STEPPED BEAM WITH OUT-OF-PLANE MOTION FOR BISTABLE MICROSWITCH APPLICATIONS. journal [Internet]. 14May2020 [cited 25Jan.2025];10(38):60-6. Available from: