• Thao Thi Huynh Nguyen
  • Tran Thi Quynh Son
  • Toan Duc Nguyen
Keywords: Beverage, Imperata cylindrical Beauv, Processing, Pasteurization


The process of Imperata cylindrical Beauv root beverage was studied for making the best quality and shelf-life of products, diversifying herbal beverage products and being beneficial to health. The results showed that: Imperata cylindrical  Beauv roots were treated at the temperature of 100°C with 40gin 02 liter watermass that brought a good sensory and high Brix value 2,05±0,04 for products. The products were mixed with 9°Brixby rock-sugar and 0,03% citric acid. Pasteurization products packing in glass bottles at the temperature was 90°C and P-values was 5 minutes, respectiveli. With the above treatment conditions, Imperata cylindrical Beauv roots beverage made products unchanged in flavor, yield good quality, microbiological safety and be preserved for a long time.


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How to Cite
Nguyen T, Son T, Nguyen T. RESEARCH ON THE PROCESS OF PRODUCING PASTEURIZED BEVERAGE FROM IMPERATA CYLINDRICAL BEAUV ROOT. journal [Internet]. 5Mar.2019 [cited 9Mar.2025];9(33):49-7. Available from: