• Dan Hoang Truong
  • Lien Thi Bich Tran
  • Tho Truong Bui
Keywords: species composition, butterfly, Mua Xuan agricultural center, habitat


The survey was carried out in Mua Xuan agricultural center, Hau Giang province from 9/2014 to 12/2014. The study recorded 41 butterfly species, which belong to 32 genera of 05 families. Nymphalidae was the most dominant family, followed by Pieridae, Hesperiidae and Lycaenidae whereas Papilionidae had the lowest frequency of occurrence. The findings also indicated that Melaleuca forest and roadside sight were two diverse habitats where the butterfly species were found most.


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How to Cite
Truong D, Tran L, Bui T. SPECIES COMPOSITION AND HABITAT OF BUTTERFLY IN MUA XUAN AGRICULTURAL CENTER, HAU GIANG PROVINCE. journal [Internet]. 19Jun.2019 [cited 10Mar.2025];7(1):60-7. Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/tvujs_old/index.php/journal/article/view/122