• Dan Thi Thach
Keywords: bilingual dictionary, bilingual Vietnamese-Khmer, bilingual Khmer - Vietnamese


In the context of globalization today, speaking and using two languages is an advantage to develop yourself and to achieve success. To meet that need, many bilingual dictionaries were developed on a large scale. The bilingual Vietnamese-Khmer, Khmer-Vietnamese dictionary is still very modest in terms of number of  words. This has not satisfied the need to study bilingual Khmer - Vietnamese of the large population in Cambodia as well as people in areas with large Khmer  ethnic groups such as the Southwest. The bilingual dictionary of Vietnamese - Khmer and Khmer - Vietnamese  of Tra Vinh University will be a contribution to the development of the dictionary field, it will effectively support for learning bilingual Khmer - Vietnamese simultaneously. Contributing to preserving and promoting the national cultural identity and performing the political cooperation between Vietnam and Cambodia.


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How to Cite
Thach D. THE NEED OF BILINGUAL DICTIONARY: VIETNAMESE-KHMER AND KHMER-VIETNAMESE. journal [Internet]. 19Jun.2019 [cited 10Mar.2025];7(1):35-9. Available from: