• Kiet Tuan Phan
  • Tu Anh Phan
Keywords: attitudes toward promotion, Vinamilk, brand equity


The study aims at evaluating consumers’ attitudes toward promotion in shaping Vinamilk brand equity in Can Tho City. The research was conducted through a survey of 296  customers at four districts in Can Tho City. In this study, the descriptive analysis method, Cronbach’s Alpha, Exploratory Factor Analysis and  Confirmatory Factor Analysis were used. Hypotheses and models were tested by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Bootstrap method with the repeated samples of 1000. The research results showed that attitudes toward advertising and sales promotions have the impacts on the dimensions of brand equity. In which, the attitude toward sales promotions has the strongest impact on perceived quality, while the attitude toward advertising has the strong impact on brand awareness. In addition, the research also showed that the dimensions of brand equity have impact on the overall brand equity. Based on the studying results, implications for managers were proposed in order to enhance the effectiveness of promotion activities on Vinamilk brand equity.


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How to Cite
Phan K, Phan T. CONSUMERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARD PROMOTION IN SHAPING VINAMILK BRAND EQUITY IN CAN THO CITY. journal [Internet]. 18Jun.2019 [cited 10Mar.2025];7(26):8-5. Available from: