• Hung Van Cao South Research Sub-Institute for Marine Fisheries, Vietnam
  • Trieu Phuoc Nguyen South Research Sub-Institute for Marine Fisheries, Vietnam
Keywords: Ben Tre Province, fisheries species, gill-net


and analyzed. The result of study shows that 105 species belonging to 77 genera and 42 orders have been encountered. In which, demersal fish with 45 species (42.9%), 21 species of pelagic fish (20.0%); 18 species of reef-associated fish (17.1%); shrimps with 14 species (13.3%); crabs with 4 species (3.8%); 2 species of cephalopods (1.9%) and 1 species of seahorse crab (1.0%). In terms of catch composition, the croaker (Sciaenidae), the lizardfishs (Synodontidae) and Anchovies (Engraulidae) dominated with yields up to 60% of the total catch. In terms of species with high economic value and dominant in catches were Bombay duck (Harpadon nehereus), Sodier croaker (Nibea soldado) and Green mub crab (Scylla paramamosain) which were play an important economic species and high proportion of the total income.


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How to Cite
Cao H, Nguyen T. THE SPECIES COMPOSITION IN CATCHES OF GILL-NET IN THE COASTAL AND INSHORE AREA OF BENTRE PROVINCE, VIETNAM. journal [Internet]. 29Jun.2022 [cited 10Mar.2025];12(47):92-9. Available from: