• Day Van Pham Tra Vinh University
Keywords: farm-made feeds (FMF), giant freshwater prawn, Lansy PL, larvae


This study aimed to research the effects of replacing farm-made feed with Lansy PL. The experiment consisted of 4 treatments in which giant freshwater prawn larvae were fed with different feeding regimes. Treatment 1
(Control) consisted of 03 feeding times of farmmade feed and 02 times of Artermia per day; Treatment 2 consisted of 2 times of farm-made feed, 1 time of Lansy PL and 2 times of Artermia per day; Treatment 3 consisted of 1 time of farmmade feed, 2 times of Lansy PL and 2 times of Artermia per day; and Treatment 4 consisted of 3 times of Lansy PL and 2 times of Artermia per day. Each container for larval rearing was made of plastic and had a volume of 120 liters, and larvae were stocked at a density of 60 inds/l with water salinity at 12o=oo. After 30 days of rearing, Treatment 3 reached the highest metamorphosis index of 10.73 ± 0.06, which
was not statisticaly different (p > 0.05) than the treatment substituting Lanzy PL 1 time per day, but was statistically different from the other two treatments. The length of Postlarvae 15 was 9.83 ± 0.09 mm, and the survival rate was 62.78 ± 0.66%. Its yield of 37.67 ± 0.40 fish/L was also the best and was statistically different compared to the rest of the treatments. Therefore, the results of the study conclude that replacing farm-made
feed with Lansy PL for 2 meals per day gives the  best results when rearing giant freshwater prawn larvae.


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How to Cite
Pham D. EFFECTS OF REPLACEMENT OF FARM- MADE FEED WITH LANSY PL ON GROWTH AND SURVIVAL RATE OF THE GIANT FRESHWATER PRAWN (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) LARVAE. journal [Internet]. 28Mar.2022 [cited 16Feb.2025];12(46):104-11. Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/tvujs_old/index.php/journal/article/view/867