• Trang Cong Nguyen Tien Giang University
  • Duyen Ngoc Phan Tien Giang University
  • Hanh Dung Nguyen Thi Tien Giang University
  • Kim Ngan Nguyen Ngoc Tien Giang University
  • Yen Loan Dang Ngo Tien Giang University
Keywords: Ben Tre Province, shrimp farming, water parameters, water quality


This study focused on water quality assessment of farmed shrimp ponds in Binh Dai District, Ben Tre Province. The goals of the study were to provide chemical parameters of pond water for farmers, to identify problems and causes in farmed shrimp related to water quality and disease, and to help managers find appropriate
solutions to minimize damage to local shrimp farming. Water samples were collected monthly from January to June 2021 from 90 vannamei farmers in six different areas, including Vang Quoi Dong, Dinh Trung Binh Thoi, Phu Long, Phu Vang, and Binh Thang of Binh Dai District. Parameters investigated in this study included pH,
alkalinity, NH4+, NH3, NO2- and three other minerals. Water quality parameters were analyzed based on APHA standard analysis methods. The results showed that the water quality of shrimp farming areas in Binh Dai fluctuated from time to time, and water quality parameters were suitable for vannamei shrimp farming. However, the concentration of NO2- was always higher than the permitted threshold. The results from
cluster analysis and MANOVA testing showed that water quality of the shrimp farming areas in Binh Dai was significantly different (p < 0.05), especially NO2-, Ca, Mg and alkalinity. These findings suggest that farmers must apply proper solutions for water quality management in each farming area to maximize crop production.


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How to Cite
Nguyen T, Phan D, Nguyen Thi HD, Nguyen Ngoc KN, Dang Ngo YL. WATER QUALITY STATUS OF WHITE LEG SHRIMP FARMING AREAS IN BINH DAI DISTRICT, BEN TRE PROVINCE, VIETNAM. journal [Internet]. 28Mar.2022 [cited 16Feb.2025];12(46):94-03. Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/tvujs_old/index.php/journal/article/view/866