• Tran Thi Kieu Pham Bac Lieu University
Keywords: Bac Lieu Province, night tourism, SWOT


In recent years, night tourism has been considered one of the current trends in the global tourism industry. Bac Lieu has many favorable conditions to develop night tourism, but the effectiveness is modest. Therefore, it is necessary to study the conditions for developing night tourism activities in Bac Lieu City. This study was conducted based on field research and the collection of secondary data. The SWOT analysis method was applied to identify and analyze conditions for developing night tourism activities in Bac Lieu City. Findings from data analysis  make valuable recommendations for developing night tourism in Bac Lieu to contribute to local socioeconomic development.


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How to Cite
Pham T. CONDITIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NIGHT TOURISM ACTIVITIES IN BAC LIEU CITY, BAC LIEU PROVINCE, VIETNAM. journal [Internet]. 28Mar.2022 [cited 14Mar.2025];12(46):1-1. Available from: