• Tao Nhat Thi Nguyen
  • Linh Thi Xuan Huynh
  • Nhi Thi Thuy Huynh
  • Van Kim Thi Nguyen
Keywords: Disease model, polyclinic, Tra Vinh University


The study is to identify disease model and relevant factors at the General Clinic of Tra Vinh University (GC-TVU). A crosssectional survey of 42.884 patients who underwent medical treatment at GC-TVU from August 2016 to August 2017. The results showed that non-infectious diseases accounted for 62,4%, two times higher than that of infectious diseases (30,9%) and more than 9 times as compared with the trauma group, accident, poisoning (6,8%). The high rate of mental illness included 21,1% mental disorders, 19.8% infections and parasites, and 15,8% circulatory disease. The most common diseases are high blood pressure 11,4%, muscle pain 6,4%, back pain 5,9%, diabetes mellitus 3,7% and gastric inflammation 3,2%. The disease structure is closely related to age, sex and area
of living. This result is the basis for investing infrastructure and faculties and training of human resources in order to meet people’s needs and to improve the quality of health care routes.


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How to Cite
Nguyen T, Huynh L, Huynh N, Nguyen V. SURVEY OF DISEASE MODEL AT TRA VINH UNIVERSITY GENERAL CLINIC. journal [Internet]. 1Sep.2018 [cited 9Mar.2025];8(31):58-4. Available from: