• Thao Hieu Nguyen Tra Vinh University
Keywords: competency-based approach, interpretation, teaching assessment


It is generally believed that interpreting quality is mostly driven by the level of language competency. Studies supporting this view have been broadly achieved through the use of various teaching approaches and strategies. However, most of these focus on the development of language skills rather than students’ topical knowledge, interpreting skill sets or interpreting outcomes. This paper aims at introducing the effectiveness of implementing a competencybased approach into English language classrooms. This approach was implemented into two interpretation groups, who are pursuing English as their major. There are notable outcomes found after employing competency-based approach in interpreting classes. Firstly, students were able to perform the task more fluently and confidently. Secondly, students used more appropriate language to interpret in concrete scenarios; and lastly, students showed strong preferences for advanced preparation and practice materials built upon their knowledge and competence. In order to apply competency-based approach more effectively and widely in interpretation courses, suggestions are made for lecturers and school leaders on the continuous update with respect to syllabuses design, course materials, and teaching assessment. It is hoped that this paper will give some insights on the use of competency-based approach in interpretation classes to equip students with skills and knowledge to successfully perform interpreting works. 


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How to Cite
Nguyen T. COMPETENCY-BASED LEARNING: AN EFFECTIVE APPROACH IN INTERPRETATION CLASSES. journal [Internet]. 28Dec.2021 [cited 12Mar.2025];11(45):41-7. Available from: