The main purpose of this study is to determine the effect of customer satisfaction on word of mouth for fresh agricultural products in traditional markets and supermarkets. The data were collected from 330 customers in Long Xuyen City An Giang Province. The descriptive analysis, reliability tests, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and linear regression analysis are methods of analysis used in the study. The results show that there are 4 factors affecting customer satisfaction with fresh agricultural products at the markets, including: price, quality, purchasing time, and variety of fresh agricultural products. Besides, customer satisfaction has a positive influence on customer word of mouth. The results confirm that the quality, purchasing time, and availability had a significant impact on customer satisfaction with fresh agricultural products at supermarkets and there is no effect of customer satisfaction on customer word of mouth.
trung tâm thương mại, siêu thị, cửa hàng tiện
ích, chợ trên địa bàn tỉnh An Giang. Truy
cập từ: https://media.angiang.gov.vn/socongthuongportal/file-dinh kem/2020/11/.pdf. [Ngày truy cập:
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