• Tho Van Nguyen Faculty of Urban-Infrastructure Engineering, Mien Tay Construction University
  • Vien My Tran Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, Can Tho University
  • Binh Phan Khanh Huynh Faculty of Urban-Infrastructure Engineering, Mien Tay Construction University
Keywords: composting, seafood sludge, Tagetes patula L, Trichoderma


Sludge of seafood processing factories discharged directly into the environment can lead to environmental pollution. Research on the use of seafood processing sludge as compost for agriculture in the Mekong Delta is encouraged. The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate the chemical composition of seafood processing
sludge after 60 days composting and (2) to evaluate the growth of Tagetes patula L planted with composted sludge. The sludge composting experiment was carried out with 3 treatments: sludge + Trichoderma fungi; sludge + chicken manure + Trichoderma fungi; sludge + straw + chicken manure + Trichoderma fungi. The results showed that the treatment of sludge + straw + chicken manure + Trichoderma fungi had a better
quality than the other two treatments. The pH, TC, TN, NH+ 4 , NO- 3 , TP, PO3 4- and heavy metal
(Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn and Hg) contents of sludge meet the environmental standard of Viet Nam (10TCN526:2002). E. coli and Salmonella were not present at the end of the composting experiment. Tagetes patula L grew and flowered on all 4 treatments: control – composted straw; sludge + Trichoderma fungi; sludge + chicken manure + Trichoderma fungi; sludge + straw + chicken manure + Trichoderma fungi. However,
Tagetes patula L grew best on the sludge + Trichoderma fungi experimental condition .


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How to Cite
Nguyen T, Tran V, Huynh B. ASSESSMENT OF SEAFOOD PROCESSING SLUDGE AFTER COMPOSTING ON GROWTH OF TAGETES PATULA L. journal [Internet]. 15Feb.2021 [cited 9Mar.2025];11(42):102-8. Available from: