• Dung My Ho School of Economics and Law, Tra Vinh University
  • Uyen Thi Phuong Nguyen School of Economics and Law, Tra Vinh University
Keywords: first-year students, life satisfaction, social support, stress, Tra Vinh University


The objective of the study is to analyze the relationship between social support, stress and life satisfaction of first-year university students at Tra Vinh University. Research is conducted through two phases, preliminary qualitative research and formal quantitative research. With the convenient sampling method, 599 valid
survey forms were collected. Cronbach’s Alpha scale reliability testing method, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmation factor analysis (CFA) and linear structural model analysis (SEM) were used. The results showed that (1) all components of social support influence on the stress; (2) teacher and family support positively effect on first-year university students’ life satisfaction; (3) stress negatively effects on firstyear university students’ life satisfaction. Based on the results, policy implications are proposed to Tra Vinh University and related parties for providing timely support to students, contributing to reducing stress and improving life satisfaction of students.


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How to Cite
Ho D, Nguyen U. SOCIAL SUPPORT, STRESS AND LIFE SATISFACTION OF THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS IN TRA VINH UNIVERSITY. journal [Internet]. 15Feb.2021 [cited 9Mar.2025];11(42):47-0. Available from: