• Lam Canh Thanh Huynh Can Tho Technical Economic College
  • Tan Minh Nguyen Can Tho University of Technology
  • Nha Thanh Huynh Can Tho University of Technology
Keywords: Can Tho City, engineering technology, new graduates, start-up intention


This study aims to find what factors influence new graduates’ start-up intentions in the field of Engineering Technology in the city of Can Tho. Surveys were completed by 400 new graduates from universities in the area with Cronbach’s Alpha test method, exploratory factor analysis, and multiple linear regression were utilized in order to examine the relationships among the factors and the new graduates’ start-up intentions. The results showed that factors influencing new graduates’ start-up intentions comprise of attitudes, external factors and subjective thinking.


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How to Cite
Huynh L, Nguyen T, Huynh N. FACTORS INFLUENCING NEW GRADUATES’ START-UP INTENTIONS IN ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY IN CAN THO CITY. journal [Internet]. 15Feb.2021 [cited 7Mar.2025];11(42):1-. Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/tvujs_old/index.php/journal/article/view/686