• Tiep Van Nguyen A branch of Aquaculture of Tra Vinh Province
  • Toan Thanh Diep School of Agriculture and Aquaculture, Tra Vinh University
  • Huong Kim Huynh School of Engineering and Technology, Tra Vinh University
Keywords: earthen pond, Litopenaeus vannamei, tarpaulin ponds, white-leg shrimp


This study was conducted to evaluate the current status of the intensive white-leg shrimp farming in earthen system and tarpaulin pond system in Tra Vinh Province by interviewing 110 farmers in Trà Vinh from May to December of 2019. The results of the study showed that an average stocking density in earthen system
and tarpaulin pond system were at 195 and 87 inds/m2 and the number of crops for earthen and tarpaulin ponds are respectively from 1 - 2 crops and 2 - 3 crops per year. The harvested shrimp size and the productivity in tarpaulin ponds (35 inds /kg; 48 tons/ha/crop) were significantly higher than those in the in earthen ponds (58 inds /kg; 12 tons/ha/crop). The net income obtained from the tarpaulin ponds model (1.760 million
VND/ha/crop) was significantly higher than that in the earthen ponds (267 million VND/ha/crop). Food change ratio in tarpaulin ponds was higher than in earthen ponds. The advantages and disadvantages of white - leg shrimp farmers in two models are also mentioned in this report.


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How to Cite
Nguyen T, Diep T, Huynh H. THE CURRENT STATUS OF INTENSIVE WHITE-LEG SHRIMP (Litopenaeus vannamei) FARMING IN THE SYSTEM OF EARTHERN AND TARPAULIN PONDS AT TRA VINH PROVINCE. journal [Internet]. 29Dec.2020 [cited 10Mar.2025];10(41):104-11. Available from:

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