• Tu Cam Cao Center for Continuing Education and Vocational Training of Cau Ke District
  • Huong Kim Huynh School of Agriculture and Aquaculture, Tra Vinh University
  • Kiem Van Nguyen School of Agriculture and Aquaculture, Tra Vinh University
Keywords: efficiency of frog farming, model culture, Rana tigerina, Thailand frog


This study was conducted through the direct interview of 90 households applying the alternative system of culturing frogs in Tra Vinh Province from 9/2020 to 3/2020. The study aimed to determine current status of frog farming. The collected data includes the technical and financial aspect of culturing frogs. The results showed
that there are two models of frog farming: culturing frogs in canvas (65.56% of households), and culturing frogs in cages (34.44% of households); Both models applied the same average farming area of 36.27 m2 with stocking density of 115 inds/m2. After 2.6 months of culturing, the average frog size was 257 g. The average frog
yield produced 21,024 kg/1,000 m2/crop and the net income of 100 million VND/1,000 m2/crop was achieved. The result indicated that it is easy to raise frogs because the households can take advantage of the surrounding area of their houses for raising frogs and therefore the farmers’ could improve by this method.


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How to Cite
Cao T, Huynh H, Nguyen K. TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF FROG CULTURE (Rana tigerina) AT TRA VINH PROVINCE. journal [Internet]. 29Dec.2020 [cited 10Mar.2025];10(41):97-03. Available from:

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