• Nhung Hong Tu School of Engineering and Technology, Tra Vinh University
  • Cong Thanh Nguyen School of Engineering and Technology, Tra Vinh University
Keywords: compressive strength, compression test, strength grade, tensile strength, tensile with bending


Concrete is the primary material used in construction. The importance of concrete is shown through its strength criteria which are  indispensable in all structural designs of the engineers. This article is to determine the tensile strength of concrete according to the compressive strength through an experimental study for the
strength grade B15, B20, B25 of concrete. In this study, tensile and compressive strength of concrete were determined by tensile test and compression test on the same sample. The experimental results show that the tensile strength of concrete is much smaller than its compressive strength. For concrete at 28 days, the tensile
strength is 12,0% to 12,8% of the compressive strength. The reliability of the above compressive strength value is ensured by the standard compression test. The results of this study are recommended for practical testing of concrete strength.


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How to Cite
Tu N, Nguyen C. ASSESSMENT OF TENSILE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITS COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. journal [Internet]. 29Dec.2020 [cited 10Mar.2025];10(41):86-. Available from: