• Luan Thanh Nguyen Department of Veterinary Medicine, Institute of Applied Science, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUTECH)
Keywords: antibiotic resistance, epidemiology, aquaculture diseases, genome, phylogenomics


The sustainability of aquaculture industry is critical both for global food security and economic welfare. However, the massive wealth of pathogenic bacteria poses a key challenge to the development of a sustainable bio-control method. Recent advances in genome sequencing study combined  with pan-genome analysis can be an efficacious management applied to numerous aquatic pathogens. Thus, routine comparative genome analyses of aquatic pathogens will deduce the phylogenomic diversity and possible evolutionary trends
of aquatic bacterial pathogen strains, elucidate the mechanisms of pathogenesis, as well as estimate patterns of pathogen transmission across epidemiological scales. This study also reviews comparative pan-genome analysis with a particular focus on controlling aquatic diseases, especially for: (i) re-identifying the previously misidentified strain with high accuracy and discovering novel isolates that may be associated with high rate
of fish mortalities, (ii) developing routine pan-PCR based on highly informative identified genetic targets that are capable of distinguishing all the clinical isolates, and finally (iii) studying the multivalent vaccine following reverse vaccinology towards the prevention of numerous aquatic animal diseases.


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How to Cite
Nguyen L. APPLICATION OF COMPARATIVE GENOME IN AQUACULTURE DISEASES DIAGNOSIS. journal [Internet]. 30Dec.2020 [cited 7Mar.2025];10(40):172-9. Available from: