• Nhut Minh Tran Students of DA17KTMT, Agriculture and Aquaculture Department, Tra Vinh University
  • Tra Thi Thanh Nguyen Students of DA17KTMT, Agriculture and Aquaculture Department, Tra Vinh University
  • Lam Hoang Nguyen Agriculture and Aquaculture Department, Tra Vinh University
  • Tran Thi Ngoc Tran Agriculture and Aquaculture Department, Tra Vinh University
  • Trang Thuy Diem Ngo College of Environmental and Natural Resources, Can Tho University
Keywords: Alternanthera sp., constructed wetland, kinetic models, phosphate


This study aims to determine the dynamics of phosphate removal process in domestic wastewater through wastewater treatment mechanism of constructed wetland with Joyweed (Alternanthera sp.). The experiment was conducted in batches with a retention time of 12 days, the treatments were designed to evaluate the effect of depth of the water with and without Alternanthera sp. on the ability to remove phosphate in wastewater. After 12 days of operation, all experiments reduced phosphate concentration in the effluent. The highest phosphate removal efficiency is at day 9 (about 69\%). Two kinetic equations of first-order and second-order are used to determine the trend of PO43- removal process in the system. The second-order kinetic equation is more suitable for treating PO43- in domestic wastewater by surface flow constructed wetland system. The results of this study show the potential of domestic wastewater treatment of Alternanthera sp. in the constructed wetland.


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How to Cite
Tran N, Nguyen T, Nguyen L, Tran T, Ngo T. KINETICS OF PHOSPHATE REMOVAL FROM DOMESTIC WASTEWATER BY CONSTRUCTED WETLAND WITH JOYWEED (Alternanthera sp.). journal [Internet]. 30Dec.2020 [cited 9Mar.2025];10(40):163-71. Available from: