• Tuan Pham Nguyen An Giang Biotechnology center
  • Lam Hong Bang An Giang University, Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City
  • Tran Thi Bao Nguyen An Giang University, Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City
  • Tu Pham Nguyen An Giang Biotechnology center
Keywords: antioxidant, DPPH, flavonoid, Lantana camara, phenolic, polysaccharide


The study was conducted to analyze some of the bioactive compounds and the antioxidant capacity of
Lantana camara leaves extract. This research was a prerequisite for the production of products with capability of supporting and treating diseases. L. camara leaves extract was extracted by combining the immersion method with different solvents (water, ethanol 80o and methanol) and ultrasound. Oxidation resistance was
tested by DPPH method and the con tent of phenolic, flavonoid, polysaccharide, tannin were determined by the spectrophotometer method. The results showedthat the moisture content was 67.8% and extraction efficiency of L.camara leaves ranged from 4.29% to 6.13%. The extract of L. camara leaves contained biological compounds such as alkaloids, saponin, flavonoids, steroids, tannins and phenols. The phenolic, flavonoid, polysaccharide and tannin content of L. camara leaves per g of dry weight were 251.52 mg gallic
acid/g; 41.58 mg quercetin/g; 11.06 mg GE/g and 34.44 mg tannic acid/g, respectively. L.camara leaves has antioxidant ability by DPPH method with IC50 value of water, ethanol 800 and methanol 259.11 mg/mg; 150.29 mg/mg; 75.43 mg/mg, respectively. The results indicated that L. camara leaves contains many anti-oxidative
bioactive ingredients, which were potential materials for further research and applications.


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How to Cite
Nguyen T, Bang L, Nguyen T, Nguyen T. ANALYSIS OF BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF Lantana camara LEAVES EXTRACT. journal [Internet]. 30Dec.2020 [cited 9Mar.2025];10(40):70-2. Available from: