• Linh Thi Thuy Le Dalat Nuclear Research Institute, Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute
  • Thuong Tieu Linh Tran Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Viet Nam National University - Ho Chi Minh City
  • Hung Duc Le Dalat Nuclear Research Institute, Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute
  • Dien Huynh Han Dalat Nuclear Research Institute, Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute
  • Thy Thi Bich Le Dalat Nuclear Research Institute, Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute
  • Thuc Van Le Dalat Nuclear Research Institute, Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute
Keywords: Browallia americana L., giai đoạn sinh dưỡng, giai đoạn sinh sản, màng milipore, ra hoa in vitro


Vegetative to reproductive transition depends on different factors. This study was conducted to examine factors affecting the growth and flowering of Browallia americana L. in vitro such as the age of the sample, mineral content, plant growth regulators, concentration and type of sugar, ventilation culture. The results showed that 40-day-old shoots were a suitable source of in vitro flowering (90.85% after 45 days of culture). Mineral
content had a great influence on the ability to differentiate flower buds of plants, the highest in Murashige and Skoog medium (87.22% after 45 days of culture). Meanwhile, most of the plant growth regulators which were surveyed in this study inhibited the flowering. In particular, culture medium with glucose showed higher flowering efficiency than saccharose, the highest flowering rate was at 50 mg/L glucoses (90.52%, with 3.50 flower buds/explant after 30 days of culture). In addition, ventilation culture, which used plastic wraped
with milipore filter had the highest rate of flower bud formation (average 3.58 flower buds/plant). This result is an important foundation for studying the flowering of in vitro plant culture, which will be one of the great paradigm plants for teaching and basic research.


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How to Cite
Le L, Tran T, Le H, Han D, Le T, Le T. STUDY ON FACTORS AFFECTING THE FLOWERING OF FORGET-ME-NOT (Browallia americana L.) IN VITRO CULTURE. journal [Internet]. 30Dec.2020 [cited 9Mar.2025];10(40):13-7. Available from: