• Chi Cam Chim
  • Nhan Phuoc Pham
  • Vy Ngoc Khuc
Keywords: cattail (Bon Bon), Ca Mau, fertilizer, growth, yield


The experimental layout was designed in completely randomized complete block with 4 replicates in the combination of nitrogen levels of 28,8; 60; 90; 120 kg/ha with potassium of 0 and 30 kg/ha in order to investigate the effects of fertilization on growth, yield and quality of bon bon (Cattail) in Ca Mau province. At 90
days after planting, treatments with higher levels of nitrogen application increased in plant height, tiller number, weight of edible part, fresh and dry biomass. Variations in nitrogen and potassium levels caused no change in photosynthetic pigments but chlorophyll a content was always about more than triple more than that of chlorophyll b. Potassium contributed to enhancinge plant height, biomass, edible part weight but difference in tiller number was not found between the two levels. Higher levels of nitrogen in combination with potassium not only enhanced biomass yield but also improved quality by increasing levels of soluble sugars and protein in the edible part. The interactions between nitrogen and potassium levels were recognizedpositively affected on growth, yield, and quality of cattail; therefore, it is highly recommended to apply both these nutrients when growing this crop.


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How to Cite
Chim C, Pham N, Khuc V. EFFECTS OF NITROGEN AND POTASSSIUM LEVELS ON GROWTH, YIELD AND QUALITY OF BON BON (CATTAIL) IN CA MAU PROVINCE. journal [Internet]. 1Dec.2018 [cited 9Mar.2025];8(32):60-7. Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/tvujs_old/index.php/journal/article/view/60