• Hoa Thi Hong Huynh Tra Vinh University
  • Minh Ngoc Huynh University of Technology, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Minh Quang Do University of Technology, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City
Keywords: GIC, glass ionomer cement, released fluoride ability, the compressive strength


Glass ionomer cement (GIC), a thermoplastic polymer, is toughed by ionic bonding is used in dentistry as a filling material. The glass-powder used has some disadvantages such as: poor strength and toughness, and instability in water. Therefore, the aim of this work is to enhance mechanical and fluoride release properties of the GICs by modifying ingredients. The results show that the compressive strength reached to from 60.5 to 86.2 MPa, the setting time met the ISO 9917-1:2007 quality standard. This also suggests that, in addition to 35% PAA in water with Mw of 100,000, 5% of Maleic acid and 5% Tartaric acid to produce GIC which can be used as suitable materials for improving its fluoride ion release over 28 days. The average diameter (dmean) of glass powder for GICs was 14.3 mm; S.P. Surface area was 10,358 cm2=cm3, improvement of liquid composition includes 35% PAA in water with Mw of 100,000, 5% of Maleic acid and 5% Tartaric acid. The compressive strength after curing 28-day reaches from 60.5 to 86.2 MPa and the setting time responds with ISO 9917-1:2007. In conclusion, it was found that the GIC can release fluoride ions (F-) for the during of the examination period.


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How to Cite
Huynh H, Huynh M, Do M. CHARACTERISTIC OF GLASS IONOMER CEMENT MATERIAL FOR CLINICAL DENTISTRY. journal [Internet]. 25Sep.2020 [cited 24Jan.2025];10(39):83-0. Available from: