• Hoang Thi My To Trường Đại học Cần Thơ
  • Dung Tri Duong Trường Đại học Cần Thơ
  • Dinh Dac Tran Trường Đại học Cần Thơ
Keywords: Ariidae, cá úc, cửa sông Hậu, CPUE


From July 2017 to June 2019 at Hau estuary in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, Ariid catfish were surveyed from the
Hau River estuary (Tran De and Dinh An) to Cai Cui area. Fishing yield was calculated based on CPUE (catch per unit effort). Five species of Ariid catfish were recorded (Arius maculatus, Osteogeneiosus militaris, Arius
venosus, Nemapteryx nenga and Cephalocassis borneensis). The relative abundance of Ariid catfish was substantial and reached the highest in Tran De (CPUEw = 934.45 g/ha) followed by Dinh An estuary (CPUE =
931.68 g/ha) and Tran De estuary (CPUE = 904.71 g/ha); Fishing yield in Cai Cui was the lowest with a CPUE of 36.48 g/ha. In addition, the highest distribution found was Arius maculatus (63.35%) and was followed by Osteogeneiosus militaris (32.94%). However, the biodiversity of Arridae was not a reflection of relative abundance with the Tran De estuary having the highest result H’ = 0.83, followed by Tran De (H’ = 0.76)
and lowest was in Dai Ngai (H’ = 0,10). These results indicate that salinity can be considered a primary factor influencing the distribution of Ariid catfish in Hau River estuary.


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How to Cite
To H, Duong D, Tran D. THE DISTRIBUTION OF ARIID CATFISH (ARIIDAE) IN THE HAU RIVER ESTUARY. journal [Internet]. 14May2020 [cited 25Jan.2025];10(38):67-4. Available from: