Vietnamese universities have seen an increase in demand for quality improvement of their programs and teaching performance. However, the degree to which high-quality programs and teaching performance is determined by students’ hardiness in learning, and their assessment in university education. This study was employed to examine the relationships of hardiness and learning outcome, quality of life on students, and quality of university life on students in Tra Vinh University. The study uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and the sample of 341 economic sector students in Tra Vinh University. The findings have indicated that hardiness in learning has a positive relationship with three elements including (i) learning outcome, (ii) quality of life on students, and (iii) quality of university life on students. Besides that, the results also indicated that three attitudes of commitment, control, and challenge have a direct effect on hardiness, while teacher elements have a powerful impact on the students’ quality of university life. The study also contributes some implications for the improvement of teaching quality and the stimulation for students’ behavioral intention of hardiness and attitudes.
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