• Khanh Ngan Chau
  • Nghi Thanh Doan
Keywords: haar Like Features, AdaBoost Algorithm, Cascade of Boosted Classifiers, DSIFT, Face recognition, Local Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor


Human face recognition is a technology which is widely used in life. There have been much effort on developing face recognition algorithms. In this paper, we present a new methodology that combines Haar Like Features - Cascade of Boosted Classifiers, Dense Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (DSIFT), Local Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor (LNBNN) algorithm for the recognition of human face. We use Haar Like Features and the combination  of AdaBoost algorithm and Cascade stratified model to detect and extract the face image, the DSIFT descriptors of the image are computed only for the aligned and cropped face image.
Then, we apply the LNBNN algorithms for object recognition. Numerical testing on several benchmark datasets using our proposed method for face
recognition gives the better results than other methods. The accuracies obtained by LNBNN method is 99.74 %.


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How to Cite
Chau K, Doan N. DENSE SIFT FEATURE AND LOCAL NAIVE BAYES NEAREST NEIGHBOR FOR FACE RECOGNITION. journal [Internet]. 1Dec.2017 [cited 23Jan.2025];7(4):56-3. Available from: