• Huy Truong Huynh
  • Duy Kien Nguyen
Keywords: professional competences, tourism employees, knowledge, skill, attitude


Human resource plays one of the important elements in developing an enterprise and the economy. This study aims to empirically analyse the determinants of professional competences of the employees working in the tourism industry in Bac Lieu province based on three criteria: knowledge, skills and attitude. The results from the survey of 183 tourists and 43 employees at the selected tourism sites in Bac Lieu province have showed that the employees’ competence
has to be associated with professional knowledge and tourist-related services. Besides regarding attitude factor, employees have to be professional, honest, and friendly. These determinants have not only shown the professional competences of employees, but also influenced to the servicerelated quality in this industry.


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How to Cite
Huynh H, Nguyen D. ANALYSIS OF DETERMINANTS OF THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES OF TOURISM EMPLOYEES IN BAC LIEU PROVINCE. journal [Internet]. 1Dec.2017 [cited 23Jan.2025];7(4):21-0. Available from: