• Chuong Van Nguyen Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, An Giang University
  • Chinh Trung Nguyen Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, An Giang University
Keywords: An Giang Province, Arsenic (As), corn, lime, soybean


The study on arsenic mitigation by liming method, combining organic material on soybean and corn crops on the dyke in An Giang, was conducted to determine the effect of lime combination rice husk ash (03 tons/ha) on the uptake of arsenic in soybean, and the effect of lime combination sawdust (02 tons/ha) on the uptake of arsenic in corn crops. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized block field format, where the experiments were arranged with 2 treatments with 4 replicates: Treatment 1 (NT1): control (No liming combined with organic materials); Treatment 2 (NT2): liming combined with organic materials in a ratio
of 1: 1 (Dosage: 03 tons / ha of lime mixture with rice husk biochar for soybean crop land, 02 tons / ha of mixed lime combined with sawdust for corn crop land). The results revealed that liming treatments combined with
organic materials increased pH H2O and arsenic in soil - the lime combination rice husk ash arsenic content in roots (0.836 mg/kg), leaf stems (0.83 mg/kg) and seeds (0.06 mg/kg) had results lower than the control treatments, 33.1%; 32.5% and 45.5% respectively. Applying and combining lime with sawdust resulted in lower arsenic content in leaf stems (95.3 mg/kg) and seeds (6.33 mg/kg) compared to the control treatments
by 31.9% and 49.4%. Therefore, added lime combined with organic matter can decrease arsenic content in plants, and it is recommended that growers apply this technique to reduce the absorption of arsenic into crops.


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How to Cite
Nguyen C, Nguyen C. STUDY ON ARSENIC MITIGATION BY LIMING METHOD COMBINING ORGANIC MATERIAL ON SOYBEAN AND CORN IN AN GIANG PROVINCE. journal [Internet]. 25Mar.2020 [cited 22Jan.2025];10(37):108-14. Available from: