• Quyen Thi Kim Nguyen College of Aquaculture & Fisheries, Can Tho University
  • Long Thanh Nguyen College of Aquaculture & Fisheries, Can Tho University
  • Hien Van Huynh College of Aquaculture & Fisheries, Can Tho University
Keywords: Soc Trang Province, VietGAP certification, white leg shrimp


This study was conducted from February to May 2019 through interviewing 105 white leg shrimp intensive farming households according to VietGAP certification in Soc Trang Province in Vietnam, and aimed to evaluate current situation and the efficiency of VietGAP practices regarding disease and quality management. VietGAP
has been operated since 2013 and has grown dramatically. Due to good practices and positive influence of VietGAP guidance, such as reservoir construction (94%); post-larvae testing (100%); reasonable stocking density
(40 PL/ m2); and monitoring water using toolkits (100%); disease outbreaks were reduced (40%). Adhering to these measures, the results have been shown that harvest yield has resulted in 2.7 to 5.6 ton/ha/cycle, and
profit being 179 million VND/ha/non-disease cycle and 324 million VND/ha/diseased cycle. Up to 49% VietGAP shrimp was sold directly to the processing companies or their purchasing network, 98% of transactions met
requirements for export, and receiving premium price at two to five thousand VND/kg. Therefore, VietGAP has improved the quality of shrimp for export. However, the ratio of farmers being awarded certification is small
because farmers lack financial motivation (no difference in price between GAP vs nonGAP shrimp products) and external support from related organizations.


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How to Cite
Nguyen Q, Nguyen L, Huynh H. CURRENT SITUATION AND ROLES OF VietGAP CERTIFICATION TO SHRIMP FARMING: A CASE STUDY OF WHITE LEG SHRIMP FARMING IN SOC TRANG PROVINCE, VIET NAM. journal [Internet]. 25Mar.2020 [cited 12Mar.2025];10(37):98-07. Available from: