• Tho Ngoc Nguyen University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
Keywords: reform, school culture, Viet Nam’s education, world experience


Educational innovation has been and is presently one of the key components in contemporary Vietnamese society, which is included in the Central Party Resolution and has received positive feedback from the community. Educational innovation has long been established and continuously promoted in European and American countries, attracting hundreds of professional researchers who have published many useful works in both theoretical and practical fields. The educational outcomes of these countries shows that, education reforms and adaptation to change require the building of a reasonable, progressive and theoretical basis for school culture, making it a guideline for the whole process of designing and operating that campaign of educational innovation. This paper applies the method of document analysis under the comparative perspective to investigate the theoretical and practical experience of the United States of America and European countries in building school culture for the sake of renovating school culture in Viet Nam today. The study shows that school culture shares most of the similarities among cultures, which are characteristics created by the nature of the field of education itself; however, the intrinsic factors such as the viewpoint, goals, guidelines, policies, management practices and the nature of traditional education in each country play an even more important role in the whole process.


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How to Cite
Nguyen T. INTRODUCTION TO SCHOOL CULTURE. journal [Internet]. 25Mar.2020 [cited 22Jan.2025];10(37):46-8. Available from: