• Inta Chanthavong Savannakhet University, Laos
  • Weena Nilawonk Maejo University, Thailand
  • Somphong Chanthavong Savannakhet University, Laos
  • Phoudthavong Sengsouriya Savannakhet University, Laos
Keywords: agribusiness value chain, agricultural extension, commercial rice farmers, commercial rice production, Laos


The government of Laos conducted the climate-friendly agribusiness value chains sector project in the year 2019 to encourage the improvement of competitiveness in rice production and to develop production according to meet the needs and production programs of the government. However, the number of farmers who participated in this project is an insignificant proportion compared to the number of total rice farmers. This study aims: 1) to find the problems and suggestions about commercial rice production, and 2) to develop an extension model for commercial rice production. Using a mixed methods research design, data were gathered from a) structured interviews (n = 177) and b) workshops with extension agents (n = 21). The data was analyzed using such statistics as frequency and percentage. The findings showed that most respondents were concerned with 16 problems and eight suggestions about commercial rice production. The extension model of commercial rice production comprised four main components: developing knowledge and understanding of the farmers; approaches for strengthening attitudes; encouraging the use of modern technology; and government supporting factors that could support commercial rice production. Therefore, all concerned organizations should set a clear policy to increase the capacity of the farmers and continue to develop the market system for increasing competitiveness that the farmers can sell their rice products at a satisfactory price as a result, farmers who do not participate in the commercial  rice production extension project will turn to participate in the project more in the future.

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How to Cite
Chanthavong I, Nilawonk W, Chanthavong S, Sengsouriya P. EXTENSION MODEL DEVELOPMENT OF COMMERCIAL RICE PRODUCTION IN SAVANNAKHET PROVINCE, LAOS. journal [Internet]. 5Jun.2024 [cited 16Jan.2025];14(2). Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/tvujs_old/index.php/journal/article/view/3767