• Saiful Aminudin Al Kusuma Putra Universitas PGRI JOMBANG, Indonesia
  • Moh. Ah Subhan ZA Universitas Islam Lamongan, Indonesia
  • Adisty Riska Hardianti Universitas PGRI JOMBANG, Indonesia
  • Satria Lintang Rachmadana Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong, Indonesia
Keywords: artificial intelligence, microfinance, productivity


More than two billion people do not have access to banking institutions, this is where the important role of microfinance distributes small loans to the poor so that they can access the financial industry. This study aims
to determine the role of artificial intelligence in improving the productivity of microfinance institutions. The qualitative research was employed with a library study approach by reviewing 25 selected journals indexed by Scopus and supported by Rank 1 and Rank 2 Science and Technology Index journals, with research published in 2000 – 2022. A sample of papers based on keywords in the publication was analyzed using bibliometric with VOSviewer application. The research results stated that microfinance institutions were established to provide benefits to poor and lowincome communities. The role of artificial intelligence can increase the productivity of the financial industry. Artificial intelligence can be used to analyze the feasibility and risk of default for customers and potential customers. The advantages of artificial intelligence include speed of decision-making, higher levels of automation for credit decisions, and the ability to be used remotely. In addition, artificial intelligence can also be used to generate investment signals that grow exponentially and generate data for future analysis.

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How to Cite
Putra S, Subhan ZA MA, Hardianti AR, Rachmadana SL. THE ROLE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN IMPROVING MICROFINANCE PRODUCTIVITY. journal [Internet]. 5Jun.2024 [cited 1Mar.2025];14(2). Available from: