• Giao Khanh Nam Ha Faculty of Air Transport, Vietnam Aviation Academy
  • Anh Diep Tram Huynh Van Hien University
  • Ngan Thi Kim Nguyen Faculty of Air Transport, Vietnam Aviation Academy
  • Tung Son Nguyen Faculty of Air Transport, Vietnam Aviation Academy
  • Phuc Pham Hanh Nguyen Faculty of Tourism, University of Finance – Marketing
  • Vuong Nhat Vui Faculty of Air Transport, Vietnam Aviation Academy
Keywords: Ho Chi Minh City, hotel staff, personality, psychological capital, working engagement


The research was conducted to determine the effects of psychological capital on the personality on hotel staff working in an engagement setting in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. Data was collected by surveying 378 staffs who are working in hotels in Ho Chi Minh City which are rated 3 stars or more. Descriptive analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and linear regression analysis were used with SPSS 20 statistical package for data analysis. The results show that all psychological capital factors, including hope, efficacy, resilience and optimism have had
positive impacts on hotel staffs’ work ethic. The study also demonstrated the effects of personality on the hotel staffs’ engagement with their work. The research outcomes suggest some managerial solutions to management problems by adapting psychological capital data and to take into consideration the personality of staff to enhance employees  working in engagement settings in Ho Chi Minh City.


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How to Cite
Ha G, Huynh A, Nguyen N, Nguyen T, Nguyen P, Vui V. THE EFFECTS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CAPITAL, PERSONALITY ON HOTEL STAFF WORKING ENGAGEMENT AT HO CHI MINH CITY. journal [Internet]. 3Mar.2020 [cited 12Mar.2025];10(37):12-3. Available from: